Students Grievances Committee
Sr. No | Name Of Person | Designation | Position | Contact No |
1 | Dr. Swapnil Deo | I/C Principal | Chairman | 9421404125 |
2 | Dr. Gajanan Daphal | Associate Professor | Head | 8669142857 |
3 | Mr. Prakash Sapkale | Assistant Professor | Member | 9834775471 |
4 | Mr. Swapnil Jadhav | Lecturer | Member | 9004672266 |
5 | Ms. Bhavna Mahajan | Lecturer | Member | 9075209554 |
6 | Ms. Komal Salunkhe | Lecturer | Member | 9834621994 |
7 | Ms. Kalyani Jadhav | Student Representative | Member | 8830434273 |
8 | Ms. Darshana Thakare | Student Representative | Member | 7985404268 |
9 | Mr. Soham Mali | Student Representative | Member | 7900152401 |
10 | Mr. Yash Chaudhari | Student Representative | Member | 9082974689 |
Duties/ Responsibilities/ Activities of the committee
- To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the students in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the Institute.
- Grievances received in writing from the students about any of the following matters:-
a).Academic Matters: Related to timely issue of duplicate Mark-sheets, Transfer Certificates or other examination related matters.
b).Financial Matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from library, hostels. - Any other related work assigned by the Principal.
Grievance may be due to following reasons
- Academic
- Non-Academic
- Grievance related to Assessment
- Grievance related to Victimization
- Grievance related to Attendance
- Grievance related to charging of fees
- Grievance regarding conducting of Examinations
- Harassment by colleague students or the teachers etc.
The committee members are selected form the teaching/non-teaching staff members and with the regular meeting held the following procedure is framed.
- The Student will report in written letter about their Grievance to any of the committee members.
- Then the member who have been informed about the problem will report to all the other members of the committee.
- A meeting will be held with all the committee members to discuss over the issue reported.
- Then the victim and the suspect will be called by the committee members and the matter will be herd in detail form both the ends separately.
- Then again a meeting will be held to discuss the issues with the point of view of both the person to take a proper action.
- Members will decide that the suspect or the victim needs counselling or not.
- Whether the suspect is really found guilty or not, and is there any scope of improvement.
- Than if found guilty, a written letter will be taken from the person who is proved guilty saying that what he have committed.
- Family members of the person found guilty will be called to discuss their issues.
- A view of the student will be taken from the family members before giving any punishment.
The issues and the name of the persons (Victim or Suspect) will not be revealed by the committee members to any other person.